Blintendorf 20, 9300 St. Veit a. d. Glan

Nomination for the Trigos Carinthia

Award for responsible business practices

Our Sonnenkraft Campus was nominated for the Trigos Kärnten award in the category EXAMPLE PROJECTS.

There was great excitement among the 12 nominated entrepreneurs when host Herta Stockbauer, CEO of BKS Bank, opened the TRIGOS Carinthia award ceremony: "The TRIGOS is the most prestigious sustainability award in Austria. Anyone who is awarded a TRIGOS this evening can rightly count themselves among the most sustainable companies in Austria. I wish them all the best of luck and every success in achieving their sustainability goals.

Unfortunately, we didn't win, but the nomination for this established award for responsible business really honors us. "Even a nomination is a win, because even the submission for the TRIGOS requires a strong anchoring of sustainability issues in the company, their successful implementation and an extensive examination of them," says Nikolaus Juhász, member of the Management Board of BKS Bank and regional coordinator of respACT in Carinthia.

Awarded the TRIGOS Carinthia 2024:
Category Regional Value Creation: ecolets GmbH
Category Exemplary Projects: Weissenseer Holz-System-Bau GmbH
Climate protection category: A.ö. Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder St. Veit an der Glan and the LKH Villach
Category Social Innovation & Future Challenges: Together - Association for the promotion of eco-social awareness and realization of charitable projects

We would like to congratulate the winners of last night's event and say a big THANK YOU to all our supporters, partners and employees! Only together are flagship projects like the Sonnenkraft Campus possible.



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Sonnenkraft Campus - Innovation Award 2024 Jürgen Hölbling - Vivatro GmbH, Dajana Scherr - Sonnenkraft GmbH (c) Vivatro GmbH
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